
The LED light works on the gravitational pull from the lamp

Gaining VDE authentication demonstrates that the capacity of SPARK in research, company system, facility, and personnel skills and so forth can fully meet the strict requirement of VDE. SPARK can independently conduct product test according to the VDE requirement. Our products are made in line with the first-rate international products.”led high bay light authentication will have big impact on product design and research of SPARK, so as to satisfy the global consumers’ requirement at first place and make sure that the product safety and performance can conform to the latest international standard, which will certainly speed up the steps of exploring the global high-end market. It also means SPARK will compete in the global market on a new and higher stage.

Patents from Litepanels are broad and unspecific and cover any LED lighting gear used for video, film or photographic production. Essex found that the companies competing with Litepanels were in violation of Section 337 of the Tariff Act and recommended that a general exclusion order for all potential importers be granted.Litepanels was represented by Pepper Hamilton LLP, a national law firm headquartered in Philadelphia and Boston and with offices in Los Angeles and Orange County.Judge Essex’s decision is a real win for Litepanels because it does not simply defend a patent claim—the initial ruling really protects a long-term investment in industry changing Intellectual Property,” William D. Belanger, trial counsel on the Litepanels case, told IPFrontline. Belanger, is a partner in Pepper Hamilton’s Boston office and co- chair of the firm’s IP Department.

“Companies like Litepanels are finding that their markets are being undercut by cheap, illegal imports. In this case, the fear is that a Chinese company could quickly change its name and continue to illegally produce these knock-offs,” Belanger said. However, the favorable commission ruling, he noted, should prevent any imports using this technology, not just imports from the parties named in the case.The General Exclusion Order does not affect the importation of emergency lighting, cellular phones, automobile taillights, or LED bulbs themselves. It also does not affect other forms of led flood light used for film, video or photography such as RGB and Remote Phosphor technologies.The GravityLight was designed by Therefore directors Martin Riddiford and Jim Reeves. And it is designed to be suspended from a ceiling or wall in a home. Using a nine-kilogram bag of sand or rocks, a piece of rope can be pulled through a mechanism which generates electricity. The LED light works on the gravitational pull from the lamp and once the bag of sand is pulled; a three second pull which lifts the bag is enough to generate 30 minutes of electricity.

