Labsphere’s high performance and strong local support were the deciding factors for the Institute in selecting its system. Locally made systems currently offer testing of only one parameter of a single, low-power LED at a time. The integrated system from Labsphere is able to perform a variety of optical and electrical test measurements on an array of up to 20 discrete LEDs, including high power lamps, in under 60 seconds.
During a single measurement sequence, the life test station simultaneously produces optical measurements of total spectral radiance and luminous flux, peak and dominant wavelength, full width/half max, CIE purity and CIE chromaticity, as well as forward current, leakage current and reverse voltage electrical measurements. Labsphere’s powerful software gathers radiometric, photometric and colorimetric parameters used for analysis that meets requirements set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Labsphere’s life test station will enable the Institute to quickly and accurately test new products for its clients, increasing the reliability and energy performance of solid state lighting used in street lighting, architectural lighting and outdoor signage. There are no national standards for LED testing in China currently. The Institute hopes that this new system will bridge the gap left by traditional methods of LED testing to become the first national standard.