This new single chip LED delivers record-breaking efficacy of 160 lumens per watt at 350 mA. The LED also delivers 750 lumens at 2 A, which is equivalent to the light output of a 60 W incandescent light bulb at less than 7 watts."This new platform continues Cree's well-established record of turning R&D innovations into products," said Chuck Swoboda, Cree chairman and CEO. "We continue to set the pace for LED performance, establishing new benchmarks that make you wonder why anyone would consider last-century's energy-wasting technology."
YAHAM recognizes and understands the fundamental changes taking place in the world today,” says Rudy Provoost,YAHAM Lighting and a member of the board of management of Royal YAHAM Electronics. “Lifestyles are changing, urbanization is presenting new challenges for city leaders, and society in general is more environmentally aware. We are applying the functional and creative potential of LED lighting to address these trends, and to simply enhance life with light.”
YAHAM is introducing a revolutionary concept in home ambiance: LivingAmbiance. Using a simple remote control, LivingAmbiance enables a room to be easily matched to the mood or the occasion, integrating multiple luminaires and lamps wirelessly to generate any desired type of ambient lighting.
LivingAmbience also incorporates YAHAM’ latest generation of LivingColors, the acclaimed range of consumer luminaires which enable thousands of colors to be chosen at the touch of a button. The new-shape range of LivingColors colored and white light luminaires build on this proposition by adding adjustable and dimmable white light for daily activities as well as offering more possibilities for ambiance creation.