A breakdown by segment reveals shifts in the patterns of growth in Q1. For
the Components Segment there was the first return to growth in seven quarters.
For the first time, growth in LED products more than offset the declining demand
for magnetic and electronic ballasts. In all, segment revenues rose by 1.6% to
EUR 99.7 million. Revenues in the Lighting Segment by contrast remained impacted
by the disappointing development of the commercial construction sector. Segment
revenues declined by 5.4% in the first quarter to EUR 229.9 million.
As a result of the substantial year-on-year downturn in the global economy,
the Zumtobel Group recorded lower revenues in all regions during the reporting
period, with the exception of Southern Europe. Revenues in Europe as a
whole fell by 2.1% to EUR 246.0 million.The share of Group revenues accounted
for by Europe reached 79.5% in the first quarter. Outside Europe too, revenues
fell, with the Asia & Middle East region down 2.4%, America down 30% after
dynamic growth in the previous quarters, and Australia & New Zealand down
15.1% under the impact of negative foreign exchange effects.
Despite the downturn in revenues, operating earnings adjusted for special
effects showed a 40.7% rise year-on-year, reaching EUR 17.7 million.That equates
to a return on sales of 5.7%. Both segments benefited from
the restructuring measures implemented in the previous year, which focused on
aligning cost structures with the lower level of revenues and on the ongoing
development of the product portfolio. In addition, the company benefitted from
reductions in the cost of materials. The exit from magnetics technology decided
in June led to negative special effects of EUR 6.9 million being recognised in
the first quarter of 2013/14. As a result, net profit for the period fell from
EUR 8.6 million in the prior-year period to EUR 6.7 million.
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