
The company is eliminating its current production of LEDs on sapphire surfaces

The company is eliminating its current production of LEDs on sapphire surfaces, which is what triggered the job cuts.According to Watkins,"We are spending all of our dollars on silicon. Wefeel that is a real game-changer."A switch to silicon from sapphire could slash production costs by led linear high bay light percent, Watkins estimated."We are trying to gain technology leadership by doing this.”

Bridgelux hopes to move to mass production of LEDs on a silicon surface within 18 months. And the company is negotiating a joint venture with an Asia-based company to conduct the manufacturing of the new generation of LEDs overseas. Watkins wouldn't identify the company.

the Chairman of Epistar, indicated that the successful inauguration of the new plant attributed to the support from shareholders and the government. He hoped that Epicrystal’s new products are able to meet the market’s needs and add diversity to Epistar’s product lineup. Epicrystal will employ the same technologies of Epistar’s plants in Taiwan in order to have a leg up on the global LED market.

 Mr. Easy Hwang, President of Epicrystal, also stated that he hoped that the new plant can not only propel the development of the led high bay light industrial chain, but also spur cross-Strait cooperation to meet the Chinese market demand. Epicrystal will join forces with subsidiaries in the east, south, and north China, which are located in places that have easy access to the Chinese clients and the Shenzhen sales center in order to make inroads into the Chinese market.

